What is the difference between hunting and fishing

The second method is called the Block method. A compare and contrast essay examines two or more topics objects, people, or ideas, for example , comparing their similarities and contrasting their differences. Two outline methods can help you organize your facts: use the block method, or point-by-point method, to write a compare and contrast essay outline.

While using the block structure, all the information is presented for the first subject, and its characteristics and specific details are explained.

There are two main ways to structure a compare and contrast essay, namely using a block or a point-by-point structure. In math, to compare means to examine the differences between numbers, quantities or values to decide if it is greater than, smaller than or equal to another quantity. Here, for instance, we are comparing numbers. By comparing, we can define or find by how much a number is greater or smaller.

Cite this Page: Citation. Related Authors Edward Hoagland Author. Paul Quarrington Novelist. Phillip Lopate Film critic. Gretel Ehrlich Writer. Barry Lopez Author. Hunting and fishing have been around since there were people. Before people could go to the store and buy goods, they had to use what nature had given them in order to survive. Fishing is a great pass time; however, hunting is more worthwhile because of the wide variety of game, the endless options of gear and equipment, the breathtaking locations, and the ability to target specific animals.

One of the main differences between hunting and fishing is the targeted game. Fishing refers to catching or trying to catch fish in the water for meat or for sport, whereas hunting refers to killing or …show more content… They can not take a boat full of gear out to the deer stand.

Hunters need less equipment than fishermen, which will save time and money. Few things are as peaceful as watching the forest come alive or the sun rise over the treetops and reflect off of the flat calm lake. It is a beautiful experience. But as beautiful as the sun rising off the lake is, it does not compare to the various other locations that hunting offers.

While fishing, a person is always on the water, whether that is on a river, lake or ocean. Hunting offers many options such as in the mountains in the West, the dry desert in the Southwest, the farm fields in the Midwest, the swamps down South, and any place in between. These many options make hunting very diverse.

Unlike fishing, hunting offers the ability to target specific animals. When a person is fishing and a small fish or the wrong species is caught, they can just throw it back. It is hard to do that with hunting, because the animal is already dead and not using it would be extremely wasteful. The upside of not having the option of catch and release, is targeting a certain animal. While fishing, it cannot be controlled what type of fish or size is caught.

For example, a person may be crappie fishing. You have to be appropriately trained before being able to hunt openly. One thing both hunting and fishing need in abundance, however, is patience. There are a lot more places to fish than there are to hunt. Think about it. With a valid license, you can fish pretty much anywhere, because most, if not all, freshwater and saltwater areas are free for public access. You will have to be careful, though, because some sites require you to catch-and-release your fish.

Hunting, as mentioned before, can be more costly than fishing. The areas you have to go hunting are few and far between.

You must be trained with a license even to be admitted to a known hunting area, and even then, you may have to pay a fee to be able to hunt there. The fish must pass through here to get wherever they want to go. This is a prime spot for anglers to go fishing, with a plethora of fish available just at the end of your hook. Pinch points are much less common in hunting, but still possible. Instead of a river narrowing, there can be a well-known area that an animal, like deer, grazes in.

When hunting, you can focus on that one area in hopes that the animal visits. Although not as common as pinch points in fishing, this strategy could prove beneficial in your hunting pursuits. Contour and topographic maps are also useful when it comes to fishing and hunting, respectively. Being able to read the lay of the land or river will help you best know where the animals or fish will be.

Tracking slopes and deep or shallow waters will help you find, and ultimately catch your target prey. Although using different means, in most cases, hunting and fishing have a similar goal—to catch and ultimately kill their target.

Where hunting takes tracking and monitoring, fishing mimics being prey to lead to a capture. Both location and strategy play a big part in fishing and hunting. The difference between an experienced fisherman and an in-experienced fisherman is often their ability to locate fish.

Catching a large sports fish such as a marlin requires a ton of skill and knowledge. The same logic applies to hunting. The best hunters know where to look for their prey, which in turn helps them kill more prey. Pro tip: getting a hunting drone can seriously up your hunting game.


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